Usual solutions for typing Hebrew on a classical keyboard is to add a layer on top of your keyboard with the right mapping between keys and Hebrew letters, or stick little notes in some corner of each of the relevant keys, or learn the keys by heart.

I used the third solution, but first changed the mapping between keys and letters for it to make maximal sense. I used the ukelele software which works like a charm. Here is the main file I ended up using for my French keyboard on a mac: keylayout (don't worry if you open this file and it looks scary, the point of ukelele is to make such files easy to produce and modify). So, here is the idea:

I implemented multiple keys for the same letter. There is room for this (more keys than Hebrew letters) and that does not hurt: you can use multiple options for the same letter depending on what's convenient when you need it. Or you'd learn the one you prefer quickly and the others won't create any trouble.

Bottom line You could start typing quite fluently in 10 minutes without watching your hands or thinking too much. Unfortunately, typing is as much as I can do in Hebrew...